
Story of 4th Nazgul II

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Literature Text

Indur woke up from a short nap, feeling knee aching and whole body heavy and stiff. He looked around still dizzy, feeling calm rocking to the rhythm of horse's gait. Mare was moving ahead in lazy tarsus, with head loose as Indur tied her bridle to own wrist before felt too sleepy to lead.

Now he sobered a bit, yet still was tired, sore and thirsty. He had no water, only bottle of wine which made him even worst. He looked reluctantly down, at right leg which was now noticeably swollen; material was tight on it, causing dull pain and pulsation in whole thigh. Indur cursed and stopped the horse, sliding down from it’s back with difficulty, biting lips to not howl of pain.

It was bad. He noticed, couldn’t walk nor even support weight on right leg, limping to closest rock and sitting on it, cursing both cause flash of pain and because rock was too hot from sun.

- Oh damn, fucking…! – he groaned, while cut tight material with knife, making it open from shin to middle of thigh. Now it started to hurt even more, making him swallow more curses, limping back to the mare.

He loosened her girth and bridle, mounting now another horse and taking the mare behind, loosely.

All around only monotonous, flat lands were seen, with rare clumps of trees and shrubs.

He pulled away the map, narrowing eyes and trying to read something comforting from, but it didn’t seem look well. There was a very far road to Mordor, through pass of mountains and many rivers. He had only two options; he could pass the plains and head north, to Erech pass or to Edoras, moving through lands of Rohan and Gondor, trying to pass the river Anduin in Osgilliath... Or he could try luck heading east, moving through Southern Gondor and ford of Poros. Without thinking much, he choose the second option. It was far more possible him to slid unnoticed, though another problem were the rivers… For now he focused on leaving his old kingdom behind, as fast as possible.

Andrast had mild, mediterranean climate and now, while heading east, he felt it was getting warmer, yet the chilly, dry wind was nagging and made him feel shivers, specially while sleep the nights on bare ground. He was tired and feverish and his leg was in bad state, feeling it aching and swollen all time, reluctant even to look at.

Almost four days passed, when finally he heard the distant hum of running water, urging the horse. Animals even didn’t need his rush, as also smelled the river and almost run forward with new energy.

It was wonderful feeling, when he finally poured face with fresh, icy water, drinking till content straight from curled palms. Horses were doing same, snorting and splashing water around. Indur sighed with delight, kneeling in the river, which now recognized as Morthond and filling the bottle and leather sack.

He led horses to small clump of trees, tying them and unsaddling. After he back again on riverbank and undressed till naked, bathing in icy water and chattering teeth, trying to take better look at own leg when was cleaned from drying blood and dirt. It looked bad and hurt as hell, while he gently tried to move it to make blood circulation better. He wiped self with river sand, again bathing in water, washing also chair and shirt.   

He pulled clothes on still wet skin, walking unsteadily till temporary camp, taking from the bag rest of dry meat and swallowing it, together with last pills from Tybalt’s small bottle.

He felt much better, despite chilly shivers of cold, yet he didn’t dare to light a fire, instead moving closer to animals to use their heat.  


The night was calm and he woke up in much better state, warming up in first sun light, falling asleep for few more hours and waking up for good, when sun was high above the sky.

He crossed the river carefully, leading horses behind and trying to find a good shallow, though twice wetting self above chest. When he finally ferried, it was early afternoon and luckily, sun fast dried his clothes. He looked the map, knowing there was a shorter and easier way more south; the Edhellond ford, but was too close to Dol Amroth and he was afraid, wanted - letters could reach already closest bridgeheads.  

Few more days passed and he started to be starving, only eating berries and nuts, he found on way and hunting for fishes, yet without much luck. Yet, still he unwilling to reach any village nor house, avoiding the main tract and moving all time on small paths and wild.

Soon, he saw on horizon the foggy, dark line of mountains and stated, it was a rock tongue of Ered Nimrais mountain range. At least he knew, he was moving in a good direction.  Being so far from own homeland, he got more confident and rode by main tract, neatly paved and wide, hiding face however and speaking only with few merchants simply to change some gold for a food and rough crossbow, which didn’t fit his taste, but fulfilled its task.

The days were similar, and Indur remembered it later as a long series of long days in saddle, eating some dry meat and crackers, or sometimes fresh animal meat, when he achieved to shut something, and short, cold nights mostly on bare ground, covered only by own cloak. He was lonely on tract but that wasn’t bad; he wasn’t looking for company and had many things to think about.

About a month passed and he was already in heart of kingdom of Gondor.

There was a last, most dangerous part of the road – river Anduin and Ithilien, or Osgilliath to move the last miles to Mordor.

Indur was thinking much, taking some tongue and news also from merchants and travelers, choosing finally to go through Poros and try his luck in Ithilien, heading north after to reach pass to wide lands of Mordor. 

- Ye better go through Osgiliath, son. – old merchant spat on ground, while speaking to him, sitting on on the box of carriage – I would not recommend other way.. ye know, south. South has many furious dogs, which only waits till scent a pray, good I say? - Indur murmured something in answer, as agreeing. – Then go through north, lad. Is safer, I mean.. Safer paths, safer people there.

- I doubt, if for me.

- Aa… The outlaw. – merchant nodded as satisfied, making other man tensed – No, no, son, don’t be scared. I won’t tell anyone, what ye think I am? I’m not some snitch, am I?! And you look the guy in a real need. Yeah… your clothes saw better days and seem, you’re limping..

Indur make a snort, trying to cover faulty leg under the cloak, feeling anger as noticed old, but acute eyes, now seem to mock him.

- I’m not some bandit, if ye imagine so, I’m just calm traveler, asking for a way.

- Then it’s pity my lad, ye travel in such state.. Seem for me gangrene is about to appear and ye must go to medic, show it to someone, rest maybe… If ye sit here, I can take you to the city, and then you see a medic. You pay me what with you have.

- I just asked for a way. I don’t need help.

Old man shrugged, after looking at him for a while, turning his eyes finally.

- Alright, alright.. I see, youth now got so pride! No one listen some old man..

- I didn’t mean anything offensive.. – Indur made a short reverence with head, urging his horse - Thanks for advice, merchant. Have a safe road.

Old man reversed the brim of his hat.

- You too, anon!


Indur arrived at night to the gates of a  village, known by name from having the biggest inn around, which hosted most of foreign travelers. He was tired of hiding and sleeping on ground and his leg really hurt terribly, making him think, the old man on tract wasn’t far from truth; he needed a medic help and a rest, or else would reach Mordor useless.

He sat at the table in darkest corner, asking the maid for a mulled wine with spices and cinnamon and some meal. She brought soon a hot pitcher and earthenware plate with bread, cheese and tomato. He started to eat fast, swallowing all hungrily and drinking with hot wine, which warmed him up greatly. There was a warm from huge fireplace and loud hum of talk and laughs, which made him gradually feeling asleep. He leaned on back of the bench, content with full feeling, staring lazily at people inside, thought trying to not look invitingly for anyone to talk; the last thing he wished here was a conversation.

 Maid appeared again to take his plate and mug and he paid for food with cooper coins. Noticing he wasn’t going to left, woman smiled to him suddenly, putting dirty dishes aside and leaning over the table; her full breast almost jumped out of the gown in that occasion, making the man look aside with slight embarrassment.

- Something more, stranger? – she asked warmly, lowering voice – We don’t have here many men from the West… If you like to tell me something more about you, we could meet better…  

She leaned even more, making someone at closest table laugh grossly.

- Beware pale on, she’s famous here from that!

Woman showed to the jester offensive gesture, making all laugh even louder and hoot.

- Come, dear.. I can show you your room.. You have money to pay for room, haven’t you?

Indur turned reddish, more cause of sudden undesired attention, wishing to disappear form main room as fast as possible, before someone recognize him from wanted letter.

- Yeah.. Why not.

He got up and followed woman upstairs, limping hardly all time, making her notice but don’t saying a word.

- Here, dear. Come in an feel like home..

 She opened the door, shoving a meager room with one, narrow bed with dirty cape on it and small, round table with one chair. Yet, after travelling for more than a month, Indur thought it looks heavenly.

- Where are you from? – woman asked, helping him to take off muddy cloak, supporting it on chair – Hm, you’re not very talkative, right? But that’s alright, I like taciturn men..                                                                                                                                                  

He felt her hands suddenly on own chest, caressing him and starting to open his shirt, breathing fast and pushing her away.

- No. I mean.. I need a medic. I’m… ill.

- Oh.. Alright. – woman seemed offended, turning on heel and leaving the room – I’ll send for him. Enjoy your lonely time, traveler!


Indur shrugged when maid left with loud crack of door.
He sat on narrow bed with tired sigh, taking off his boots and clothes, folding beside and entering the tub, which was prepared behind the small courtain made of thin, dirty cloth in corner of room. Water was already barely warm, but still it seem a luxury compare to icy bath in river or stream. 
He relaxed and soaped self without haste, after short serching for a small piece of gray soap. He looked at own leg with disgust, feeling anxiety when noticed dark color of skin on edge of wound, which wasn't quite open but still bleeding from time to time, swollen till knee. It was painful to touch it, even much, but he kinda used to during the last month on road, only gritting teeth while cleaned the wound best could. He noticed, lost much weight but that wasn't surprising in such circumstances; only thing to do was to cut off another hole in the belt.
Medic entered faster than he expected, finding him still in bath. 
- Wait a moment, right? - Indur reached for towel, showing to the man dismissing gesture - Let me dress. 
Middle aged man snorted and entered unceremonously, sitting on bed. 
- I do not have much time. Better say, if ye can pay. - he smiled mockingly - Don't worry, I have seen so much bodies, I don't care anymore, I'm a medic. Just come here quickly and let me do my job. 
Indur turned eyes, wiping self fast and wrapping towel around waist, slightly embarassed with man's directness. He sat beside, letting him see own leg. Medic's sight sharpened, when he leaned over and looked attantively, pressing here and there making other man groan silently. When finished inspection, he looked very serious. 
- How long you have this? You traveled with such wound?!
Indur nodded.
- Yeah, about a month.. I don't know exactly. 
- Damn, are ye mad?! - man slapped own forehead - Ok, listen.. This is really bad. I don't know, how you could just walk or ride with this, but I strongly recommend you to stay here.. at least for a week. 
- Shit, I can't! - Indur almost bit own tongue - I mean... I'm in urgent bussiness travel.. 
- Sure, sure.. I don't care for real about who are you. - medic started to clean his wound with tissue poured with something burning, making him contort - ... as long as you have money to pay me. Ye look a decent man, it's enough. 
- Ok.. thank you, I suppose. 
Soon, medic pulled out small, but very sharp knife and a needle. He handed to other bottle with strong alcohol and gag, and right after he drank a bit, he started to stitch. 
Indur groaned, biting material to suppress sound, sweating and trembling after some time. It seem and eternity and worst part was cutting the wound's edge to remove the puss. He cursed by gag, pulling it out just to drink more, feeling as was going to faint.
- Fuck.. ! it's .. much more.. left..? 
- No, we're almost done. By the way.. You must be made of iron, anon. Be glad your body is so strong, else you may already lay in maligna or be dead.


Small squad of ten armored men stopped when leader - well built and dark-haired gave a sign. 
He dismounted and crouched on ground, serching for something with great attention, leaned over traces on grass. 
- Arandur, can't we stop for some time? - one of men complained, seeming grumpy and tried - We're chasing that son of bitch days and nights, I'm out of my strength!
- Yeah, it lasted more than a month already! - added another - My legs grown into ass, I'm sick of all that ride!
-Shut up. - Arandur got up, still looking on ground, searching for almost non existent traces - We waste enough time, we're moving.
Choral groan of disappointed men answered his words, but he only waved furiously, mounting his horse. 
He was merciless and stubborn, but now it become personal. The man, they were chasing killed his king and it was his fault, Arandur was now in road from more than a month, tired, freezing, with muscles stiff and arse hurting from saddle. Beside, he hated being ineffective. Failure was not an option, and as long as he got order to bring that bloody bastard back, he was desperate to do it. 
I'll bring him even half- dead, in chains. - he thought furiously while gave a heels to own mount, mercilessly hastening him to faster trot - Even if had to scrape his remains from ground or pull him out from fucking hell..!
They already spend many days in wain, trying to trace a man who seemed a ghost or someone with unnatural ability. He almost didn't make stops, judging from scant traces, nor light a fire. They found remains of small and well hidden fireplace just few times and always were cold. He moved very fast, having advantage of two horses to change and travelling alone, yet as men knew, he was seriously wounded. Arandur found twice blood drops and used tissues, used to bandage the wound. They were completely soaked with blood and pus, seeming he catch an infection; yet he still moved forward. 
- That asshole must be made of steel. - said once the the trailer - It's impossible him moving constantly with such injures... 
Arandur only ordered him to shut up, but already his whole squad started to gossip and believe, there was something unnatural in whole situation. Some said, it was a bad blood, some that king's bastard was in fact son of legendary sorcerer, the betrayer, black numenorean who came stealthy as a snake to their kingdom, spreading heresy, rebellion and dark cult. 
- He was judged and executed, but who knows what he did before... - used to say one of soldiers, the gray man in late fifties - He may left his rotting seed in our kingdom and now it gave a crop. He even look like that man from legends.. none of his likeness survived, but I remember..
Arandur tried to cut such speculation in the bud, for not spread panic, but slowly even his utterly practical nature started to fear the black - clothed, pale man whom he knew from palace as loner and odd.

Other soldier, the one who complained before, took out a flask and took a long sip, snorting after, throwing it to companion.
- Fuck! I could sit now with cold beer at MY table and fuck my wife, but no! Cause of that fucking bastard! I'll rip his guts when we catch him and... 
- You won't do anything. - Arandur answered coldly, making the man grimace - Order sounds Bring him alive.
- Yeah, but not mean, we can't have some fun with him! 
Arandur suddenly grinned in cruel way.
- True, lad. But will be myself personally, who will have fun...
Other man silenced, seeming surprised. Arandur was know from being good captain, having respect of soldiers but also being feared, as was known from his merciful nature.
Youngest man leaned in saddle, commenting with lowered voice. 
- I wouldn't like to be in that bastard's skin, when we catch him...  
- IF we catch him. - muttered older, stocky and fat man with long beard - I feel like we were chasing the ghost... fuck! - he spat on ground - Only Arandur claims to see some invisible traces, I personally think that he's already dead or directed in different direction.. maybe even back already on south, Eru knows! Or... he's a fucking sorcerer and in THAT case we shouldn't mess with.. 
Captain only turned in saddle, hearing more or less their conversation.
- Meredril, come here.
Fat man winced and reluctantly hastened his horse to catch up with head rider. He was back to the rown after a moment, all red on face and angry, not opening his mouth anymore. 

Horse squat reached the village at dawn, tried and dusty, in clothes wet from from morning mist. They were all taciturn and angry, heading the main street to the inn - the only one for miles around. Arandur dismounted, leading his horse by bridle.
- Meredirl, tak horses. You. - he pointed the youngest man - Go with me. We'll ask people.. Rest can sit, only don't get drunk swines!
All entered the inn, which was almost empty, cause of early hour. Yawning, maid servant appeared and all men started to ask about bear and hot food. Arandur sat in shadowy corner saying nothing, with face even more grim than usually.
He waited till all had food served, suddenly grabbing woman by elbow. She snorted, trying to disentagle and cursing him, but at sight of grim, stern face she silenced. 
- Have you seen here a pale, darkhaired man, of my height but leaner posture? - he asked with lowered, treatening voice, squeezing painfully her arm - His eyes are gray, he was probably clothed in black, torn travel clotes. - woman's eyes widened and he knew instantly, she remember such man - Speak all you know, and I'll pay you in gold..! 
At this words, maid instantly started to talk, describing the guest with details, looking greedy at captain's travel bag. Arandur's eyes burned, while he tightened grip painfully.
- It's him! Where is he?!! 
Woman screamed and he let her arm go, noticing bruised her, urging with scream.
- H-he's here still! I'll take ye to... 
Before she finished, Arandur grabbed her arm again, getting up and pushing her violently. 
- Go, fast! - he turned to rest of soldiers, who stopped eat staring the scene - GET UP!!! We got that bastrad! 

All were at ready; six men waiting in main room, guinding the entrance and kitchen door, three others following Arandur, climibing the stairs. He bared the sword, baring also teeth in animal grimace, preparing to catch his prey. Now he indeed looked as a rabid dog, as sometimes called him behind his back own soldiers.
He stepped very carefully to not made a single sound, silently ordering the maid to call through door. 
She knocked with shaking hand, calling with unnaturally high voice. 
- Excuse me? Sir? I have.. a breakfast.
She called again, but there was no answer. Arandur waited few heartbeats and impatiently pushed her back, jumping at door, opening it with own weight and impetus. 
He pointed a sword on immobile silhouette laying on bed, approaching, noting everywhere marks of men's presence as cup, remnants of food and few clothes folded neatly on chair. But sleeping figure kept immobile, what made him startled. There was no possibility, man wouldn't be awaken with all that noise. 
Full of worst premonitions, Arandur poked it's back with the blade, and right after throw the blanket and sheets with sudden movement, for a momemt not able to breath of fury. 
There was nothing but pile of rags, clothes and a pillow, all arranged more or less in shape of human body.
- DAMN..!!! 
Captain moved back with shocked face, yelling for other to search whole place, himself opening window and looking down desperately.
- He couldn't run far, go down and.. 
In that moment something heavy hit him so hard in back of head, his vision darkened. He collapsed on windowsill, almost falling out, not seeing how pale, black clothed man crouch over the roof with sword in hand, slipping down focused, as the roof was old and pitched.
Indur slipped out carefully, on end having to jump from few feet, swallowing howl of pain when put weight on injured leg. He run as fast as could in direction of stable, opening gates with strong push, grabbing first horse and mounting him clumsily, kicking it's sides to run in full gallop. 


Arandur blinked rapidly, waking up after some seconds, noticing was on floor, laying on back. He was confused, as didn't remeber what happened after he opened window, concluding, must be unconscious for enough time to soldiers drag him away. 
Now they were all crowded around him, scared as children what made him instantly angry. Didn't help the fact, youngest throw on his face whole cup of water. 
- Fuck!!! - Arandur sat gustily, almost falling back, when world suddenly wobbled and blackened before his eyes - Damn, asshole, throw it on self, I'll fucking rub it on your face... 
He cowered eyes, rubbing forehead furiously, trying to chill and waiting till his vision back to normal. He heard as through a haze others talking about him in nervous way, suddenly remembering all and getting reddish, screaming.
- DAMN!! Idiots, what are ye waiting for?!? CATCH HIM!!! NOW!!!
All men run till door, fearing his fury no less than feared man in black, though all complained about, already almost sure, they chase the sorcerer.
Arandur sat on floor, till all left, slowly trying to get up, ending on four, vomiting. He wiped mouth, cursing the man he was chasing back to seventh generation, before finally got up unsteadily, grabbing some bottle from table and drinking all content, slapping own face to recover, walking slowly all time holding the walls and stair rail to not fall.  
After rolled out from the inn, he felt a bit better on fresh air, being able finally to catch own horse and mount him, kicking it's sides, following others. 

There was a failure again. They throw in chase without reason and lost direction, loosing the track for more then an hour; man in black seemed to disappear in the air. 
They ended up circling aimlessly around the main tract, while captain sat on his horse more and more grim, yelling on everyone without stop, till felt too bad and only looked around burning in helpless fury.
He wanted to follow fugitive right away, but nausea forced him to vomit again. This time cramps seem to not end and he finally agreed to back to the inn; specially beside feeling unwell, he left there some precious information. 

When squad entered the inn, Arandur grabbed maid's arm and dragged her to first room, interrogating mercilessly again, finally releasing her after some half of hour all sobbing, with face swollen from cry. As was in terrible mood, he didn't pay her either, almost kicking out of room, threatening with using force. 
He ordered to bring the medic and soon, in opened door appeared slender, middle aged man hold by two soldiers under arms. Arandur throw at him heavy look, not getting up from bed and waving for guards to get out. 
- Sit. - he said with authoritative voice, pointing the chair - I expect you'll help me. And give me some information important for whole country, by the way. 
Man sat after short hesitation, seeming to not trust him at all. Arandur thought, he look someone who had bad experience with the law.. or knights. He choose to act in peaceful way, offering to the man a drink, but that only turned head. 
He looked at Arandur's watery eyes, and tension jumped between them two, making captain sense without doubt, he hasn't friend in this man. 
- I doubt if can help with second part. 
- I bet you can... 
- ... But medical care I can provide.
- Great, start from that.
- Could you describe the symptoms? 
Arandur described more or less, observing attentively man's face, when mentioned, was hit in head with heavy object.
- .. Probably the hilt of sword. The man who did that is extremely dangerous.. He's on all wanted posters, but he's also cunning as fox. That's why he fooled me.. and slipped again the justice.  
- I see. But here's no much guests form the West, none news from months. - medic keep face perfectly expressionless, examining gondorian's head and eyes, ordering him to follow sight after his finger, moving it from left to right side few times - Good.. I see, you have not very serious concussion.. Ye should stay here at least two days and avoid sudden movements. I can give ye.. 
- What?! I can't stay, that can't be serious!
Man shrugged.
- Of course, you can do what wish, sir.. But if I was you, I would try to not make my state worse. If you mount the horse now, ye'll end up puking in best case.. In worst, can get more serious.
Arandur murmured something incomprehensible, suddenly looking up severely. 
- Tell me about that man! you cured him, I know.
Medic somehow was able to bear his gaze.
- No sir. First, I don't know whom you mind, second, even if, I can't. All medics must follow the custom and we're sealed with oath.. 
- I don't care!! - Arandur got up unsteadily, holding the table for a moment, leaning over the sitting man - Look at my eyes and try to understand what I say.. I fuck your medic oath, I don't care, ye get this? Tell me now, in the name of the king, or I'll beat it out from your guts!!! 
- Do not overstrain, captain. You may feel worse.. 
He didn't finish when was backhanded strongly, falling from hair with mouth full of blood; Arandur's hand was heavy and hard as iron. 

After few minutes soldiers took away from the room almost unconscious man, who had cut on lips and eye swollen from captain's strikes, spitting with blood. Arandur was satisfied; he got to know, the man was chasing was seriously wounded and in every normal case would be close to death. It was uncommon he endured so much, yet captain was thinking positively; king's bastard had advantage of time, but he was also alone, fighting with fever and pain.. And now, probably with hunger. 
 - Some luck.. - thought Arandur, drinking from cup - ..And asshole may get blood infection.. and good bye, flowers on his grave. Though I would piss on it first, fucking son of bitch.. 
He suffered terrible headache still, avoiding sudden movements according to medic's words, but almost biting fingers of impatience; will to run with chase was burning him and on other side, each hour of delay increaseddistance between him and his pray. 
Finally, he decided to stay at night, as was already dark, and move at down. 


Indur woke up with sudden loud breath, noticing, fall asleep in saddle. He was tired and hungry, feeling cold form overwhelming mist vapors, which lay close to ground, floating in evening shadows as some white arms of ghosts trying to crawl out from under the earth surface. 
He wrapped self tightly with cloak, trying to keep some warm, listening attentively in treacherous silence - the mistcarried sounds far, even if horse's hooves were stepping on soft mud. 
He relaxed slowly, getting sure his persecutors gave up the chase for tonight.. What gave him advantage of many miles. Though situation looked bad; he had now one horse, and even that definitely not from best ones. In haste he mounted the first on in reach which was saddled, but it appeared to be rather weak animal, after few hours of run breathing hard with audible rattle and panting. He slowed down as soon, as noticed horse could fall under him each moment, and now animal was walking in lazy step, with head low and loose bridle. It was probably some merchant's horse, not accustomed to long distances and carring the rider on wilderness and crossroads. 
Indur complained to self, cursing his old kingdom and king's guard, which he hoped before, already gave up. Now he had no food, nor change of clothes or anything else. All left in saddlebags and room, having just time to grab from table moneybag and maps. Though still, he was lucky. It was nothing more but stroke of luck, that he heard and saw from window horse squad and that, they didn't notice his presence fast enough to surround the inn.. Or maybe was a fate. 
Indur rubbed his chin, thoughtful; he recognized the leader, remembering from palace. It was king's most merciless and obstinate man, who as fame said, once was a mercenary whom one day joined the king's service and gradually climibed higer in hierarchy, becoming soon the captain, known from his effective but implacable way of acting.
Indur couldn't remember his name, but that stern face with stubborn grimace he remembered well. 

It was late night, when he finally decided to take some rest, choosing tight clump of trees, not lighting the fire. 
He unrolled maps, trying to see anything in weak moonlight; there was enough light to mark his position more or less. He judged, must be close to great river Anduin now, maybe day or two away. 
He shivered in chilly dampness. All around he saw soft moss and peat, pitching and making disgusting wet sound under horse hooves and his feet. There was only one option - he had to reach the river and ford before king's squad. Indur looked at the sky, which was clear, but stars were barely visible through dense vapors of mist; he was on marches, probably too much on norther direction, yet this could be advantage. Knights were heavier - armored and laden with weapon, food, water.. what gave him some advantage of speed. There was also some hope, they start drown on marshy ground.
Indur relxed as far, as it was possible in such circumstances and fall in short, restless sleep. 


He opened eyes, not knowing what woke him up, tightening muscles ready to run or fight, listening attentively. There was no single sound; the tree leaves barely moved on night breeze, air seemed to be motionless as if whole place hold a breath. 
Indur inhaled slowly, trying to calm down and figure out, what had changed. It was too quiet, he thought, sensing some strange tension in the air, in vain looking for any sign of danger in deep darkness. 

Suddenly, piercing shriek cut through the night, making his heart almost stop and then jumping as startled horse. It wasn't human scream, he thought in blind terror, jumping on feet, himself screaming in desperation, when his horse reared and almost knocked him down, snapping with head and neighing. Mad with fear, horse jerked head so hard, thick branch cracked releasing him. Before Indur could do anything, horse run in full gallop straight into marches. 
- Shit!!! Fucking beast!! 
Indur cursed, unsheating the sword, looking around frantic, wondering what unknown horror circled around that place.
He waited many heart beats, looking in darkness with naked blade in slippery hand. 

That thing must be close; he could sense it's presence. 
Gradually, he started to have impression, that can see something among dark bushes... Something icy and darker than night itself, as hole in the blackness that had shape of human; at least it seemed similar size, staying straight. He narrowed eyes, but couldn't see anything more, not even being sure if something really was there, or if was just creation of own feverish imagination. 
He blinked few times, unable to move before finally broke strange paralysis. It never happened to him before; to loose senses and literally freeze of fear, as he couldn't even think clearly. That thing, if really was there, seemed to cause such effect, emanating with paralyzing waves of pure dread. Though Indur wasn't a weak man and after some time, which seemed an eternity and in fact was just few minutes, he forced self to move. He raise a sword for strange being saw, speaking with unnaturally hoarse voice. 
- Who...What are you?! Say something, for fuck's sake..  Why you bother me?! 
Thing didn't answer, nor gave any sign, it understood his speech, but after a moment it moved slightly as changing subtly position. 
Indur repeat louder, demanding answer, now getting sure, he could see a human figure all clothed in long, black cloak or attire, with hooded head. It seemed to move in strange way, as wasn't human. 
Man felt icy shiver, when suddenly his ears reached sound; silent yet terrible in such circumstances. The thing titled head and started to sniff the air. Gradually, it fall on knees scenting the ground and night breeze, while he stood still, completely paralyzed and unable to move, only observing as it crawled on knees on muddy ground, praying soundlessly to Eru. 

He remained in weird half- awaken state, till mist slowly started to crawl back to the ground, dispersing, and first weak dawn-light appeared on black sky. 
Suddenly he woke up, noticing, fall asleep crouching under the tree, with sword in hand and legs numb and stiff. He sat heavily on ground, rubbing face, not knowing what happened. He remembered yet, that thing sniffed for some time and then got silent and motionless, again making him doubt in own senses. After some time he saw nothing more than a shadows among the trees, wondering if creature ever was there. 
He got up, looking around, approaching the place were saw sinister thing, looking for any signs of it's presence. There was none and he narrowed expression, almost sure, all that was just a dream, but suddenly widening eyes when noticed mark on tree - it was fresh and not very deep, but absolutely was there, at high of tall man, seeming a mark of sharp claws. Indur swallowed hard, slowly touching the traces on tree bark, sliding fingers over - they were fitting perfectly to human hand. 
He spat behind left arm, making a sign protecting from evil-eye, walking back hastily. 

He walked on foot some mile or two before finally found his horse. Animal was calmly eating grass, snorting when heard him approaching but letting touch self. Indur mounted with sigh of relief, grabbing the bridle and directing towards east again, trying to figure our his exact position and find the ford as fast as possible; before the guards will find him. 

Day and evening passed and he didn't notice any sign of eerie being form last night, but from time to time he had feeling of someone's presence; sometimes observing him, sometimes just following, all time keeping distance, not being seen nor heard, yet somehow perceptible. 

At night, he heard finally distant hum of running water, feeling his horse hastened by self, scenting river's smell. He felt sudden relief, despite the risk. Ford could be watched; it was a perfect place for a trap. Yet, it was a memorable moment - after he cross the river, leaving South Gondor behind, he'll enter the lands of Ithilien...
The last stand before Walls of Mordor. 

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TheMaiaNightmareMoon's avatar
Poor Indur! He is not having an easy time! Now I'm curious which one of the Nazgul he saw! :D